Meet the CEO
Aijalon Brown is a female who was born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA. She became a certified Wellness Coach as of June 2021 and is currently in graduate school at University of Pittsburgh to become a Physician Assistant. As a person who struggles with mental health issues, Aijalon believes creating a business about mental health is important. The purpose of The Social Butterfly Experience is to educate others about the importance of mental health and well-being. Mental health is often pushed under the rug; especially in the Black community. While she is still learning new things about mental health, she believes its time to make people understand mental health issues are nothing to be ashamed of.
Unfortunately, there is a stigma around mental health and people are often labeled as “crazy” but what exactly is “crazy?” Some people may not know how to deal with their emotions or thoughts and that is okay.
With your help, you can help Aijalon spread awareness about mental health to others by staying updated with the website. Here at The Social Butterfly Experience you can read blogs that touch different categories about mental health and positive well-being, make a wellness coaching or crystal healing appointment, shop our mental health clothing line and more.